Fear of Contracting coronavirus lowers the immune system and may cause inflammation, said Alexander Myasnikov during the traditional “Saturday television reception” on TV channel “Russia 1”. In the “Doctor butcher”, he spoke about the studies that have been conducted on laboratory rats. Frightened animal was sick more often and longer than rats that were not subjected to stress. “Stress is wasting your stress hormones, and you do not have enough forces to maintain the immunity, and a person is heavier than sick,” – said Myasnikov.
In a period when only scientists working on a vaccine for the COVID-19, can only rely on its own immune system, said Myasnikov. This lack of excess weight, no harmful habits, healthy habits and exercise, as well as personal prevention measures: social distance, wearing masks and gloves. Butchers also dispelled the myths that from infection coronaviral infection helps inhalation of fumes of vodka or Smoking.