the program “About the main thing” on TV channel “Russia 1” the famous physician Yury Belenkov, Vice-President of the Russian society of cardiology, academician of RAS, Director of the clinic of hospital therapy №1 medical faculty of the First Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, who trust their health to a policy of Russia and the world, spoke about who is useful to take fish oil and who should treat it with caution.

He said that I’m sure many remember the oily, yellow and not very good smelling liquid, which a few decades ago “poured” in children.

It has long been replaces so-called omega-3 — polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in metabolic processes and regulation of the human immune system.

Getting into the body with food, they are embedded in the structure of cellular membranes. The result is the revitalization of the cells, improving their nutrition and metabolism.

this is Especially important for cells of the heart and brain, which are always under load.

If you talk about products, rich “omega-3”, it is mainly the oily fish such as salmon.

Since polyunsaturated fatty acids are not synthesized in the body, you should regularly do from the outside.

they are Especially necessary in cardiovascular diseases.

However, it all depends on the level of cholesterol. If the cholesterol levels of 5.2 to 5.7, we can only rely on “omega-3”, but if the score is 7 and above, only it won’t be enough – you still need statins, says Dr. Belenkov.

But in order to reduce their dose, it is necessary to add “omega-3”.

If you have osteoporosis, then, said the doctor, “vitamin D and calcium alone will not enter the bone.”

hence, in addition to calcium and vitamin D must be taken and polyunsaturated fatty acid, says Dr. Belenkov. They also support the immune system, the functions of the Central nervous system.

Recommended their admission and to a variety of cancers.

At the same time Belenkov denies rumors that “omega-3” allegedly causes a variety of cancers.

“Nobody showed,” says the doctor.

in addition, the benefits are for hair and skin, and nails, say, guests in the Studio program.

“that is All very well, but need to watch my cholesterol,” recalls Dr. Belenkov.

“If stable indicators of cholesterol, pressure and blood glucose — will only benefit. Everything is good in moderation, and overdose of “omega-3″ is also possible”, — warns the doctor.

overdose Symptoms of it — nausea, poor appetite, abdominal distension (bloating).

a day “omega-3” should take 500 milligrams to a gram and a half, says Dr. Belenkov.

He also warns that there are diseases in which the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids contraindicated.

This is a tuberculosis in the open form, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (because omega-3 stimulates the intestines), liver disease and kidney failure, kidney stones and gall bladder, and often a bleeding disorder lists the doctor and television presenter.

“If it is done reasonably according to the testimony of – well, but if there is a bleeding tendency can aggravate the condition,” warns Dr. Belenkov.

in addition, he says, “sometimes the most banal allergic to fatty acids”. In this case, you can replace the fish with any oil, nuts, legumes and avocado. These are natural sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Speaking about their benefits and contraindications, Dr. Belenkov once again reminds: using “omega-3”, it is necessary to remember that these substancesVA can do and what they cannot do.