the Donbass now fighting on two fronts. On the one hand, the Ukrainian troops, which increase the daily shelling. And now I added the coronavirus. In Donetsk region the number of cases is already close to 700. In the Luhansk region exceeded far over 400 people. In Donetsk cope with all plagues?

In Donetsk people’s Republic all power, still, are ready to reflection of attacks of the Ukrainian military. The shelling continued. DNR responds with fire. The official mobilization in the Republic, but parts started training with the volunteers.

In the “Vostok” battalion of Interior Ministry troops of the Republic the charges after severe wounds came even well-known volunteer Rafi Jafar, call — Abdullah.

“Moscow is Behind us – so they say, but at the moment we are behind the second line, the reservists and then Moscow. I’ll get up very soon, I have literally a month and a half,” said Jafar.

“Palette of the most diverse. We were part of the militia of the Director of mines, which, for example, he joined the militia, fought absolutely without reference to their status,” — said Alexander Khodakovsky, a public figure of the DNI.

“I work in the railway Institute, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor. Now I’m curious to learn of LNG, and suddenly have”, — says Alexander Stasiuk, a resident of the DNI.

the training of grenadiers, gunners, protivotankovy.

the DNR and the judge detained foreign spies and saboteurs, mainly Ukrainian. For six months the Supreme court has considered eight cases. Dmitry Skorik, a former soldier of the people’s militia of the Republic, he received fourteen years in prison. In dozens of episodes.

“they Asked us to blow up to make noise in order to create a public opinion is that Ukraine will come,” recalls Skoryk.

Our crew had the opportunity to visit the intensive care unit, where aboutgo treat your COVID-19 DNR residents. Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Antonov made a surprise visit to the Donetsk hospital №1. The chief doctor Elena Baum accompanied by Vladimir Antonov in intensive care.

the Hospital complex is divided into the so-called dirty areas and clean. In the first — only patients and doctors in protective suits. In this intensive care, five seriously ill patients connected to ventilators.

a day in the DPR increase on average by thirty-infected patients. Only 672 cases, 25 persons died, and 170 have recovered.

“Our doctors are heroes, if engaged in this business under such conditions, at the forefront,” — said Vladimir Antonov.

to return to the clean zone, we are in a special quartz tambour removable protective suit, mask, gloves, my hands spacestore. The impression, of course, very serious because people get sick. But it’s nice that such doctors.

Text: “News of the week”