Discovered a record close to Earth the planet is a newborn giant

Astronomers have found a barely-formed giant planet is remarkably close to the Ground. But the surprises did not end there: the distance between this world and its parent star has forced experts to break down.

the Discovery is described in a scientific paper published in the journal Research Notes of the AAS.

the Researchers used the second data release of the Gaia space telescope to search for stars, which are circulating around a massive dull body. Amazing precision tool allows you to record small movements of a star, caused by the gravity of the satellite.

Astronomers drew attention to the young star 2MASS 1155-7919, of which only about 5 million years, about a thousand times younger than our Sun. Her movement betraying the presence of a companion, which was given the designation 2MASS 1155-7919 b.

“a Dim, cool object that we found, very young and just ten times more massive than Jupiter. This means that we, probably, observed the planet-the baby might still be in the midst of forming,” says first author Dorothy Dickson-Vandervelde (Dorothy Dickson-Vandervelde) at Rochester Institute of technology.

Astronomers have for the first time reveal newborn worlds. But 2MASS 1155-7919 b stands out among them so that a record is close to the Ground: a total of 330 light-years. (For reference, the radius of the milky Way is more than 50 thousand light years). This means that astronomers will be studying it and to example to find out how the planets formed.

However, the celestial body is remarkable not only for this. It is 600 times farther from its parent star than Earth is from the Sun. Humanity knows more than four thousand exoplanets, and rarely they are so removed from their bodies (however, these statistics should affect the fact that such worlds are extremely difficult to detect).

“This is only the fourth or fifth example of the giant planets that are so far away from its parent star, and TheoReiki trying to explain how they formed or got there,” notes Dickson-Vandervelde.

Indeed, according to current theories, planets are born much closer to their stars. The study of 2MASS 1155-7919 b may force specialists to Supplement and clarify their models of formation of planetary systems.

By the way, earlier “Conduct.Science” ( wrote about the youngest planets history and about the double of the Solar system, emerging relatively close to the Earth.

Text: To.Science