Petro Poroshenko and Joe Biden — dirty scheme. As Vice President of the United States even more corrupted the already corrupt President of Ukraine?

the echo of the voices, that to the extent the full similarity coincide with the voices of Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko, has reached Capitol hill. Democrats in the Senate Committee on homeland security and governmental Affairs of the Kiev files at first tried to defend himself even with the help of coronavirus.

Perseverance Kamala Harris (she is aiming to Biden for Vice-President) aroused suspicion. The results of the voting with a score of 8:6 was won by the Republicans. The first subpoena in the case of Burisma authorized.

Andrei Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian diplomat and member of the consulting firm Blue Star Strategies. Kompania provided services of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Shortly after independence, in which the direction of Kiev Barack Obama dumped Joe Biden, to the Board of Directors Burisma entered his son hunter and friend of the stepson of John Kerry, Devon Archer of the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.

When opened in Burisma corruption fraud attracted the attention of the General Prosecutor’s office of the telephone of government the presidency is heated to white. First Poroshenko treated Kerry. Too corrosive of the public Prosecutor Victor Shokina from Washington demanded to quickly neutralize.

“I would Like to encourage you to consider the possibility of solving the problem of replacement of the Prosecutor General Shokina, because it is, in my opinion, blocked the reform of the purification of the Prosecutor General. I know that the Vice President is very concerned about this,” said Kerry.

“as for the position of General Prosecutor and General inspection, I am also proud of the fact that, as we agreed with the guys from your Ministry of justice and embassies, the General inspection has already been created. And activities koordiniruyutsya not the attorney-General and the Deputy attorney-General Dreach Sakvarelidze,” he told Poroshenko.

David Sakvarelidze — the then Deputy Shokina, ally Saakashvili. For Americans in Kiev — one of their people. But “merges” Poroshenko, of course, not because of high integrity. Feels the benefit. Read this and Biden. At a press conference in Kiev presenting the record Verkhovna Rada Deputy Andriy Derkach had fully explained the context.

“Poroshenko wanted to discuss personally with Biden the destiny of man, which crept close to the circuits Biden. After only a few days after his conversation with Kerry, Biden flies to Kiev to put pressure on Peter regarding Shokin. In the pocket of Biden’s the only one, but very weighty argument – 1 billion in loan guarantees, $ 1 billion of American taxpayers ‘ money. This price of salvation Biden out of jail. That is 1 billion became a carrot for Peter I, for which he served Shokin”, — said Derkach.

From Solinym understood. Before the second Secretary of the Washington regional Committee, that is Biden’s dismissal of the Prosecutor General of Poroshenko reported as first Secretary of the Communist Kiev. In working order, with no servility but with a clear understanding of who’s in charge. And it is in this ordinariness — the whole truth of what external control of Ukraine from the United States.

For someone so tried Poroshenko, found a former mayor of new York, and now the lawyer trump Rudolph Giuliani. He leads his own investigation of corruption in the American and Ukrainian summit. In Kiev Giuliani personally met with Viktor Shokin and recorded an interview with him.

When hunter Biden was appointed to the Board of Directors of Burisma, created the impression that he has qualifications?

– No, he had no qualifications whatsoever. You know that if you look at his CV and what he was doing, he was a drug addict and alcoholic — said Shokin.

But Poroshenko did looming ahead of billion.

“ItAK, where the same was to be sent to a billion? On earnings in the war. This enterprise “Lenin’s smithy”, “Bogdan”, “Akroprom”. They received military orders and money, and the profit went into the pockets of the owners. So, Shokin dismissed. Peter still did not understand that it will be a long chase billion, agreeing to new concessions to the detriment of the interests of citizens of Ukraine”, — said Andriy Derkach.

Poroshenko did not hesitate to climb into their empty pockets. 100% increase in the tariffs on public utilities, despite the fact that even the IMF was asked to raise only 75. Lightning will do the surgery for appointment to the post of Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. From that you want to cut for Burisma corruption tails.

And there was someone to cover. This Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, and chargé d’affaires George Kent, and the special representative of the FBI Karin Greenway. They — and this is sure another member of the investigation, ex-Prosecutor Konstantin Kulik — did everything to proof that everything Biden has received $ 3.4 million for lobbying the interests of Burisma came out even with the arrival of the trump.

Everything went more or less smoothly, while business is not interested the same Giuliani. Trompowsky lawyer came up with the idea to create an international investigative group.

“But then, to counteract the establishment of this group and disclosure of possible schemes for international corruption, the facts of embezzlement of funds of American taxpayers, bribes for political lobbying, representatives Demokraticheskoy party of the United States in September of 2019 started the procedure of impeachment is meaningless to prove the alleged effect, trump the President of Ukraine with the aim to launch an investigation against Joe Biden and representatives of the democratic party of the USA”, — said Konstantin Kulik, the former head of a group of spectaculara of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

In Kiev was already Zelensky. Starting impeachment proceedings, the Democrats rests on the fact that trump demanded him to launch an investigation against Biden. He says, as the whip gave the instruction to suspend military assistance to Ukraine. The white house then published a transcript of the conversation between the two presidents. Trump unlike Biden indications Kyiv counterpart does not — just politely asking.

“there is a lot of talk about the son of a Biden, that Biden stopped the investigation and many people want to know what happened, so it would be great if you and your attorney General has helped. Biden went and told everyone that he stopped the investigation, so I ask you to check it out. To me it sounds terrible,” said trump.

“I just wanted to tell you about the attorney. I know this situation. Since we won an absolute majority in Parliament, the next attorney General will 100% be my man, my man. He or she will investigate this situation, particularly that company that you mentioned,” he assured Zelensky.

However, appointed attorney General Ruslan Ryaboshapka was also undercover. Acted in favor of the Democrats. Pulled the Burisma deal while I could. All this time relatively calm feel and budenovskiy improvised, but now after the publication of the record began to fuss.

In the new image Poroshenko too thin, even haggard, and old attributes back the ex-President of Ukraine was recorded on the background of the empty dark office. In General, put out the light.

Come to the rescue of Biden, a big question. Especially before the elections in America for another six months, everything now depends on trump. And he is certainly not forgotten, as the Ukrainian Embassy in the US when Poroshenko helped Democrats in the last election to destroy the reputation of the head of a campaign headquarters of Republicans Paul Manafort that cost him his freedom. That is, mercy will not be Poroshenko. Comes to mind and a few half-forgotten in the epidemic, but not such an old conversation on air Fox News.

the news of resumedAI investigation of Burisma came just a few days after trump on Twitter asked the Republicans to be tougher and force Democrats to pay a high price and go to the end. Once established in the American policy in Ukraine is unlikely to move out of it before the November elections.

Text: “News of the week”