Russia to America competitor, not an enemy or a threat, said assistant Secretary of state for political Affairs David Hale.
According to Hale, Russia is a competitor, tough, resourceful, therefore the us President Donald trump has repeatedly advocated good relations with Russia and expressed willingness to dialogue.
Also, the diplomat noted that the US and Russia cooperate on a number of issues, such as: Ukraine, Syria, North Korea, middle East, arms control. He personally negotiated with the Russian colleagues.
the under Secretary reiterated that the United States against the “Turkish stream”, as it will strengthen Russian influence in Europe, RIA Novosti reported.
“Turkish stream” gas pipeline running under the Black sea. Originates from the compressor station “Russian” in the area of Anapa, on land out in Turkey by the settlement Kyukei. The total length of the pipeline is 1,100 kilometers, including more than 900 kilometers of pipes laid on the seabed. The total capacity of the two pipelines is 31.5 billion cubic meters per year (15,75 billion cubic meters for each thread). Launched pipeline, the presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdogan.
trump 20 Dec signed the defense budget for 2020, which, in particular, provides for sanctions against the gas pipeline “Nord stream-2” and “Turkish stream”. The US demanded from companies, leading them strip, to immediately stop the construction.