In the debate about the legalization of cannabis, the Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) accused Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (both SPD) of playing down the risks. “I am watching the course of the cannabis debate with great concern. The Chancellor and the Federal Minister of Health do not seem to take the dangers associated with this drug seriously. But the truth is, consuming cannabis poses a major health risk. The federal government should therefore reconsider the course it has taken,” said Holetschek.
“In addition to the risk of developing a dependency, the risks include negative effects on memory as well as on learning and thinking skills.” The risk of developing a psychotic illness and other psychiatric illnesses is also increased, warned Holetschek.
In addition, the CSU politician emphasized that there are currently more important things in health policy than cannabis: “The Federal Minister of Health should better use his strength to protect people in good time from a possible new corona wave in autumn and for care.”
Chancellor Scholz had responded to a viewer’s question on Sunday on ARD: “Mr. Scholz, when will Bubatz be legal?” The Chancellor first said “Hm?”. After repeating the question, he answered with a smirk that preparations for cannabis legalization were now underway. That will come in this legislative period, the exact date has not yet been set.
“Bubatz” is a slang term for a “joint” used primarily in the hip-hop scene. Bubatz is also an alternative name for “grass” or “weed”.