Rospotrebnadzor warns that the South-West of Russia could occur, the outbreak of avian influenza A(H5N8). This flu can get sick birds and pigs. For humans, this virus is not dangerous, the risk of a pandemic, reports TASS.
After southwest regions the virus can enter and in most regions of the European part of the country, warned the Agency. Previously, the virus A(H5N8) has led to outbreaks in Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. Data on its genetic characteristics is not yet available, definitive conclusions about the properties of viruses no.
the First outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza was registered in December of 2019 in Poland, on a farm in the Lublin Voivodeship. The CPS advised Russians were in the country, not to contact with birds and to be careful when buying poultry meat and eggs. Then the strain of a(H5N8) was detected also in Hungary and Slovakia. January 8, Czech Republic has introduced veterinary checks for imported from Poland poultry.