Almost fifty operations on the heart, them 20 extra, spent in the midst of a pandemic, the doctors of the Filatov children’s hospital. Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, there is no stopped accepting young patients, including newborns. Many people assistance
Good mood, healthy glow — I can’t tell you, but before the nine-year-old Lisa suffered her first operation. Now girl’s heart is working as it should.
– I wasn’t allowed to run a lot. After 4 months I was allowed to jump on a trampoline, somersault, run.
After the rehabilitation of childhood begins and her roommates. All of them have congenital heart disease — a diagnosis that is often not urgent.
the Fear was that the operation can be transferred. But we have not given up. The child had a large window, and it continued to increase. If we continued without the surgery to live, it would be hard.
While across the country, so much attention is paid to the fight against the pandemic, in the cardiology Department of the Filatov hospital do not stop the treatment of young hearts. After all some of them care surgeon needed in the first days of life.
“If the operation to transfer, the patient was allowed pending no major problems we used this. Operate in need of urgent, primarily newborns,” explains Vladimir Ilyin, head of Department of cardiac surgery, Children’s city clinical hospital № 13 named after N. F. Filatov.
On such patients doctors know even before they are born. Diagnosed in utero, so that the preparation for the treatment begins well before the appearance of the baby born. And to postpone this operation even for a short time is impossible.
“the child took a first urgent intervention of the subsidiary procedure, to state to stabilize. Further it was observed a few days, and now he is a radical correction of congenital heart disease”, — the storiesVaeth Svetlana Biryukova, cardiologist, Children’s city clinical hospital № 13 named after N. F. Filatov.
do Not stop taking at the Filatov hospital and emergency patients from other regions.
At the peak of the epidemic surgeons managed to save fifty children’s lives. And now, when the incidence of coronavirus in the city decreases, physicians may increase the flow of scheduled heart operations.
Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”