the Federal court in Lausanne ruled on the obligation of the employer to reimburse their employees some of the costs for housing in the event of his transfer to udalenku — in mode “home office”.

First in this case-the decision drew the attention of the Newspapers Tages-Anzeiger and Sonntagszeitung.

the Lawsuit in Federal court was filed by the employee of accounting company, which is the decision of the employer was transferred to udalenku. She was forced to refit the kitchen under a Cabinet.

the Court decided to pay monthly compensation to the employee in the amount of 150 Swiss francs ($154, or 11.1 thousand rubles)., the publication reported

Thomas Gaiser, Professor of labour law at the University of St. Gallen, noted that “the law requires employers to reimburse its employees for all costs associated with the conduct of their work”. But the court’s decision applies only to employees who work remotely – at home — by order of the employer, said Geyser. Those employees who work from home on their own, to claim compensation of rental housing can not, he said.

In Russia, while only preparing amendments to the labour legislation for the legalization of remote operation. Many organizations have switched to remote mode and plan to work in the future.

While discussing the payment only related costs. For work on udalenke can pay an additional 3 thousand RUB Forced displacement from home offices carries additional costs. Communication, electricity — all these costs are borne by the employee. It would be fair to compensate them. Experts also consider the criteria that will be assessed work in this mode. Group extended remote mode for employees until September 1. “Alfa-Bank” announced that employees can get back to the office until the end of the year. Sberbank and VTB expect postopenabout to go into the usual routine. ICD is conducting a survey among staff. “Gazprom Neft” by the end of June will return to the offices of almost half of the employees after work remotely from home.