the Military adventures of the USA lead to tensions in the middle East — said in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of China. There urged States not to use military force in the region to avoid escalation.

Meanwhile, Washington continues to threaten Iran, the TV channel “Russia 24”. Donald trump has warned that it is ready to launch a disproportionate strike on Iran in response to any attack on American citizens or American objects. And to notify Congress in the event of such decision, the trump does not consider it necessary.

as President of the United States did last week when he ordered the Pentagon missile strike in the area of the Baghdad airport — in the course of that operation was killed by General Soleimani. Farewell to the commander continues in Tehran. On the streets of the Iranian capital left hundreds of thousands of people. Led a ceremony of farewell to the spiritual leader of the country Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Meanwhile, the U.S. intends to impose sanctions against Iraq, if you believe his actions are hostile to Washington. The Parliament of Iraq decided to expel U.S. military and coalition countries. However, trump said that the Americans are not leaving until Iraq will not pay for the air base built by the United States.