“Pregnancy, childbirth and newborns are not subject to coronavirus infection. The very pregnant and the fetus COVID impact is minimal. Even if the mother has this disease, the child is born sterile. This is a scary infection, but not worse than others”, — said in the program “60 minutes” chief obstetrician-gynecologist Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Leila Adamyan.

According to her, today in Russia there are 2561 pregnant with coronavirus infection. Of them confirmed in all the tests the diagnosis 2035 are women. At 816 pregnant women in Moscow there is a disease, childbirth has passed 224. However, mortality among them almost none.

As noted by the expert, fortunately, pregnant are not high risk. “They are at risk in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when there is an increase in blood volume when you need the absorption of a greater volume of oxygen. The risk group includes women with various extragenital diseases: heart disease, lung infections, malignant diseases. Also affects those pregnant women who have bad obstetric history. That is, in previous births they have had problems surgery, premature pregnancy, premature birth,” — said Adamyan.

She also said that not scientifically proven effects of the virus on the fetus, infection of amniotic fluid and in General, vertical transmission of infection: “the Mother transmits to the fetus infection in utero. Is preferable to birth vaginally. A caesarean section is not indicated for patients with coronavirus infection, it is only for obstetric indications.”

the Chief obstetrician-the gynecologist has confirmed that Russia is indeed a large number of cases of coronavirus, but minimal mortality. “I think we will win this virus due to our powerful army physicians and health care organizations”, — said the expert.