unlike Western countries, in Russia in the conditions of a pandemic coronavirus did not stop care to patients with chronic diseases, including cancer patients. However, the situation with the spread kovida made some adjustments in planned operations.
About the work of the Moscow doctors, and as it turns out to help people with cancer with the coronavirus told the chief non-staff oncologist of Ministry of health of Russia, academician of the RAS, CEO of the SMRC radiology, doctor of medical Sciences Andrey Kaprin.
Commenting on the fact that hospitals of Moscow begin scheduled operation, he notices that in their Institute and the branches of scheduled patients to take and did not stop.
“Planned treatment in Oncology is rather conditional. Cancer — his plans, he is not going to go on Karanth. And we were not going to go into quarantine,” says Dr. Kaprin.
Answering the question of what happens to planned patients revealed kovid, he says that in this case, the doctors take the delay, because of such patient’s need to nurse for about two months.
However, if the situation is an emergency (severe bleeding, brain tumors or other indicators that threaten the patient’s life at the moment), they try to withdraw from the pneumonia and prepare for surgery, says Dr. Kaprin.
“patients “in manual control”. However, in the new standard, if possible, we try to postpone surgery,” explains oncologist.
a doctor Kaprin talks about another group of cancer patients that are of particular danger are those who before the operation, the coronavirus has not been shown, but the test gave a positive result on cowed after her.
However, such patients remain in the Oncology clinic receive the necessary treatment, and doctors are trying to save them.
the Full recording of the interview with the main oncologist of Ministry of health of Russia, doctor of medical Sciences Andrey Caprinum listen to the audio file on the website radio “Vesti FM”.