In the debate about extending the lifespan of nuclear power plants, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has received severe criticism from Berlin. The deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Matthias Miersch, told the Bayern media group: “Mr. Söder is stuck in the past and must not get away with distracting from his omissions.” He also refers to the expansion of alternatives: “In Bavaria it becomes clear what devastating consequences the blockade of wind power and grid expansion has.”
Miersch is now calling for maximum expansion in a short period of time: “A first effective step should therefore be to check all renewable energy plants that are not connected to the grid due to a lack of permits as soon as possible.”
According to Mediengruppe Bayern, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, under the leadership of Hubert Aiwanger (free voters), states: “It is clearly regulated by law that grid connections for renewable energy systems must be made immediately to the respective power grid by the local power grid operator.”
“Fortunately”, several thousand network connection applications from operators of the corresponding systems were received by the distribution system operators every month. When connecting to the network, however, there are “delays in some cases”.