the source of rabies recorded in the village the Brook of the Kovrov district of Vladimir region. Local residents are recommended to carefully monitor their Pets and in the case of suspicious behavior to report to the district veterinary station by phone: 8(49232)2-14-20, 2-27-49.

a Dangerous disease found in domestic dogs. The animal suddenly began to behave inadequately, to show aggression to their owners and even lashed out at the child. After that, the dog had to be put down. Was taken by the analysis for rabies, which is soon confirmed, informs GTRK “Vladimir”.

shakiness, an urge to vomit, coughing, eating of inedible objects, such as land — all the first symptoms of the animal that are worth paying attention to. On site and Kovrov Kovrov district in 2019, there were about 20 cases of rabies in animals.

As tells GTRK “Kaluga”, as of January 9, 2020, in the Kaluga region in the quarantine for rabies is 17 settlements.

In December 2019 in Saint-Petersburg was held a free vaccination campaign for dogs. At the reception, the pet is examined and, if necessary, chipped and vaccinated.

In December, the quarantine for rabies was introduced in the South Urals — in the risk zone were cats.