German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the need to do everything to fully investigate the accident with the Boeing 737 of the company “Ukraine International airlines”, which crashed taking off from Tehran airport.
Speaking at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin after their talks on Saturday, January 11, in Moscow, Merkel said that Iran, acknowledging his mistake with the fire of the plane, took an important step in the investigation. “Well, the most famous responsible for what happened,” leads her words TASS.
what Happened in Iran, the Chancellor called dramatic event. She also pointed out the importance of conducting impartial investigations, which should include all countries whose nationals died in this plane crash.
the crash of the Boeing 737-800 “Ukraine International airlines”, which flew from Tehran to Kiev, has killed 176 people: 167 passengers from Iran, Ukraine, Canada, Germany, Sweden and Afghanistan and nine crew members.
the Talks between German Chancellor and Russian President lasted more than three and a half hours. Discussed, in particular, the situation in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, the importance of implementing the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program, gas and other issues.