Near Moscow Khotkovo in distress proved to be a popular tourist destination — a Park where you can experience life of the nomadic peoples of Russia. It suspended operations in March because of the pandemic. Income do not exist, and yet, you have to pay the landlord and staff and to feed dozens of animals, including camels, yaks, llamas. The owner of the Park have to sell the property.

In the forest covered a rare gem suburban tourism ethnological Park. On 25 hectares spread Yurt Buryatia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia. Park for the season was attended by about 45 thousand people.

“2 months we stayed 2 months no one asked for. He ate all his finances, which was reserved for fall. About 50 people work for us”, — says Natalya Shishova, managing ethnological Park.

the Ethnological Park is a unique example of private initiative. Expenditure impressive: salary Fund, land rent, Pets — livestock camels, donkeys, yaks, reindeer, llamas.

“Expenditures for April is $ 600 thousand”, — says Alexei Egelev, Director of the ethnological Park.

the Museum under the open sky — the center of historical reconstruction and gastronomic tourism, here are the national dishes of the peoples of the Russian far North. Seraphim Rednova prepares us for the Hooch near Yakut Khan-Yurt (the largest in Russia) on the Buryat recipes of his grandmother. The first thing the guests in the far North made, of course, a hearty feed.

In ethnological Park rekonstruiruet a number of key historical episodes of the old Russian state. Programs are designed to stir interest in national history.

Under the dome of the Yurt national ensemble rehearses a welcome dance for the indigenous peoples of the North, artists full of hope that the season will be held. In ethnological Park has an important mission, he is focused on the preservation of the miProvideniya indigenous peoples of the North. These gates are so — called torii — got to have visitors after a few days.

Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”