the Chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of health in therapy and General practice Drapkina supported the initiative to raise the minimum age of sale nikotinsoderzhaschie products to 21. In 21 years completes the development of lung function. And early Smoking can harm them greatly.
Before visiting a psychiatrist-narcologist of Russia Yevgeny Bryun also approved raising the age of sale of alcohol and cigarettes, as psychologically the person Matures only 21 years.
in addition, alcohol and tobacco are the strongest neurotoxins that can have lasting consequences for brain development.
Drapkina noticed on the target audience of marketers. The advertising campaign most strongly affect young people and the law should protect them, reports TASS.
Director of the Institute of narcological health of the nation Oleg Zykov noted the socio-psychological dependence on tobacco. Withdrawal symptoms are relieved quickly, but to change behavioral patterns difficult. This can only help a strong desire to quit the habit, reports RT.
anti-Smoking concept of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation until 2035 applies to VAPI, stick, cigarettes. Involves reducing the number of smokers to 21% by 2035. Every year from diseases provoked by Smoking, die to 400 thousand Russians.. Earlier in Rospotrebnadzor said that Smoking affects the course of the novel coronavirus.
may 31 is world no tobacco day.