Candy with poison. In a major shopping center of Smolensk found a large batch of Snykov. Employees of management on control over drug trafficking of UMVD of Russia across the Smolensk region, the Department of economic security, in conjunction with the CPS keep the checks coming.
Numerically, chewing, sucking. Tobacco sold in colourful boxes to attract the attention of children, in packages of a dangerous substance-nicotine products.
Alex Belyankin, chief of UNK UMVD of Russia across the Smolensk region, said: “the Child becomes lethargic after taking, if one cigarette contains one, two ppm of nicotine, in snuse to 18-20 milligrams”.
And, being absorbed through the mucosa, nicotine goes directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the protective barriers of the liver, and immediately strikes to the head. Snuse cause rapid addiction to nicotine which is a psychoactive substance.
In the major shopping centre of Smolensk individual entrepreneur traded nekulturny-nicotine products not conforming to the documents of the Customs Union. Interestingly, this point was seized 30 packs of the same goods. The collected materials are currently in the territorial authority of Rospotrebnadzor, whose competence includes the decision about attraction of the individual entrepreneur to administrative responsibility.
Sergei Rogutsky, the chief of the Department Rospotrebnadzora across the Smolensk region, said: “the Penalty for officials – 40 thousand for legal and 600 thousand.”
Sold candy or marmalade with nicotine. In the region already have one dead teenager who shortly before his death, took snus. Police offer parents to check briefcases, backpacks of children, after taking a hell of a nicotine cocktail can be serious consequences. This candy can be more dangerous than an entire pack of cigarettes and can lead to death, reminds STRC "Smolensk”.
Text: GTRK “Smolensk”