In Ukraine are investigating the attack on the Jews committed in the city of Uman, Cherkasy region. According to local media, it happened in the evening of 10 January at the grave of Rabbi Nachman — she has for many years been a place of pilgrimage during the Jewish holidays.

According to investigators, the attack was made by a group of 30 people — presumably Ukrainians. The occasion was the dispute one of them a Jew, the TV channel “Russia 24”.

In the fight suffered four of them were hospitalized. Eyewitnesses claim that police arrived on the scene did not help but stood and watched.

As the Director of the organization Shemira Ukraine Shlomi Elisha, because of numerous incidents on the streets in recent months it is planned to Fund a special unit for “protection of the Ukrainian bandits.”

“We do not expect anything more from the Ukrainian authorities”, — quotes the edition The Yeshiva World.