during his visit to Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Umayyad mosque in Damascus – one of the largest and oldest in the world. Accompanied the Russian leader, the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Exclusive footage of this trip showed the TV channel “Russia 1” in the program “Moscow. The Kremlin. Putin”.
Assad told Putin that it is “the only place in the world where Muslims pray around the Christian Holy places”. In the mosque, believed to contain the incorrupt relics of St. John the Baptist — the Muslims call him prophet Yahya. Sacred relics are stored in the sarcophagus, behind the glass, and make believers of all faiths.
Later, in the Orthodox Church of the Holy virgin Mary, the Russian President shared his impressions: “We just visited the Umayyad mosque, which houses the head of John the Baptist. This is the best confirmation of the spiritual relationship of Christians and Muslims”.
Patriarch of Antioch and all the East John the Tenth said that the Apostle Paul converted to Christianity at the gates of Damascus. The faithful believe that on the road to Damascus he was blinded by the brightest light from heaven, the Apostle Jesus appeared to and told him to return the sight to go on the straight road to the Bishop’s home.
Bashar al-Assad joked: “If trump is coming this way, too, it would be all right.” Putin said that the American President will handle it, “Invite the, he’s coming!”. Assad expressed readiness, Putin promised to convey it Trump.
Assad also expressed his gratitude for the assistance that Russia has provided Syria. “If not for the fighting, that we are together in this place for a long time would sit Baghdadi (the leader of terrorist organization ISIS, prohibited in Russia – ed.)”. “We will continue together to do it, to achieve new frontiers”, — assured the Russian President.