Apple has refused the request of US attorney General William Barr to unlock two smartphones belonging to Mohammed Saeed al-Shamrani. An employee of the air force of Saudi Arabia, who were trained on the American naval base in Pensacola, Florida, December 6, shot and killed three and wounded eight co-workers, and then was killed himself.
however, reports BuzzFeed, Apple does not agree with the statement that the company had not provided substantial assistance in the investigation of the shooting in Pensacola: “Our answers to their numerous queries since the attack was timely, complete, and still continuing”.
Apple claims that shared their information with the FBI offices in Jacksonville, Pensacola, and new York, handing investigators gigabytes of data. In this case, all available information has been transferred in full.
At the same time, the unlocking of smartphones arrow in the company didn’t say anything. Instead, the statement has been repeated time and again sounded in such cases, the position of the Apple: backdoors only “good guys” do not exist. If you create ways to bypass the iPhone lock with a good purpose to help in investigations, the same methods will benefit those wishing to harm U.S. national security or steal your data iPhone owners.
on Monday, the US attorney General has called the shooting at the military base of the terrorist act and have asked Apple to unlock the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 7, which belonged to al-Shamrani. One of the smartphones Saudi soldier brought down by a shot, the other escaped injury. The investigators hope that the information in the smartphones will help to identify those who talked the shooter.
Text: To.Hi-tech