In the U.S. city of Minneapolis on the background of mass protests entered a state of emergency. Yet for three days. At the request of the mayor, now the authorities are allowed to use additional funds to ensure the safety of citizens. Including — to attract soldiers of the national guard of the United States and ask for help to the authorities of neighboring cities and the Federal government. Meanwhile, the protests are not only in Minneapolis. They cover other cities — new York, Los Angeles, Memphis, Denver. The protesters are demanding to severely punish the police officers who conducted the arrest of the African-American George Floyd. One of the guards eight minutes pressed a knee on the neck of the detainee, he lost consciousness and later died.

Broken Windows, burning shops, overturned cars — it is now a common sight on the streets of Minneapolis. As locals Express their protest over deadly arrest of George W. Floyd.

Hundreds of demonstrators on the streets of new York, Los Angeles, Denver, Memphis, Saint Paul. Protests go violent. Protesters block roads, block the operation of the subway, robbing supermarkets, enter into open confrontation with the police in which black Americans have accumulated a lot of claims.

to ensure at least some safety of civilians and to avoid failure in the operation of urban services, the Governor of Minnesota was brought in to curb the protests of the National guard of the United States. The mayor of Minneapolis introduced a state of emergency for the next three days. But prosecutors who investigate the case of Floyd, asking citizens to give time to all to understand.

“I would like to assure the public and the media that we conduct a full and thorough investigation into the events of 25 may, and the police action that night. This investigation is a top priority of the U.S. Department of justice. President Donald trump and attorney General William Barr directly and promptly control the course of the investigation. If you have important information, videos from the scene, please let us know,” says the Federal Prosecutor of Minnesota Eric McDonald.

the Four guards who carried out the arrest, Floyd was fired. However, no charges they still did not show. That so outraged the public and family of Floyd. Human rights activists said that protests will not cease, until those responsible for the death of George Floyd will not be punished to the fullest extent. Power Minnesota yet do not give forecasts, whether all the charges.

“My job to the end is to prove that the suspect violated the criminal law. And there are other evidences that do not support the prosecution on criminal charges. We must examine all the evidence to come to a conscious conclusion,” said Hennepin County attorney Mike Freeman.

the victim’s Family, meanwhile, said he does not trust the authorities and wants to conduct an independent informal autopsy. George Floyd was arrested for trying to pay a forged cheque in the supermarket. He was knocked to the ground, handcuffed him, and one of the policemen pressed his neck with his knee and remained in that position for eight minutes, ignoring the cries of the detainee, “I can’t breathe.”

George Floyd lost consciousness and later died. Now the American authorities fear that the protests across the country will be delayed for a few months, as it was in Ferguson in 2014.