experts of the “Rockafella” studied in the Studio of TV channel “Russia 1” most popular brand of bottled water that became the “heroine” of the new program “Test”. Leading Eugene Ribov together with the experts studied the samples and searched for answers to the questions: how much water should you drink every day than bottled water different from tap water, how much water can kill a person, and how marketers deceive us, offering “magic” water for the big money?
participants in the test were 5 popular brands of water average price:
“Shishkin Les”,
“Aqua Minerale”,
“Holy spring”,
“Lipetskaya Rosinka”.
Water has researched more than 100 indicators: quality, safety, taste etc. of the Russians most interested in, where does the water in the bottles? Do not pour if the manufacturers of plain water from the tap? Why is the cost different brands of water can vary two to three, and then 10 times? What containers is better to buy water plastic or glass?
did you Know that drinking bad water maybe 25% reduction in the duration of life?
Chief expert of the “Rockafella” Elena Saradzev said that the label must indicate the source of origin of water – the number of wells, if the water is of natural origin, or place of bottling, if the water is unnatural, further purified and enriched with minerals. Both types of water are safe, what to buy – the consumer decides.
In the year consumed $ 15 billion liters of bottled water
With the lack of clean water taken from running water can be discovered chlorine compounds. Nitrates enter the water from the soil, which has fertilizer with the chemicals or are near a source of water – industrial waste. If you drink every day such dangerous water, these poisons can cause the development of cancer.
97% of water on the planet unfit for drinking
we All remember the tales of “living” and “dead” water. They have a very scientific basis: it turns out, water has positive and negative charges, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). “Dead” water has a positive charge, and “living” — negative, as the fluid in the human body. Therefore, water with a negative ORP is a particularly useful and positive – “dead” – useless. Water from artesian wells just contains a negative ORP. However, after 15-20 minutes of contact with oxygen it gets a positive ORP and loses its properties.
Can a plastic bottle to poison the water?
a Plastic bottle (PET containers) are made of safe food plastic polyethylene terephthalate. However, improper storage of plastic can be released into the water in violation of terms of storage, in violation of the temperature regime (most water samples should be stored at temperature from +2 to +20 degrees). Water storage in the glove compartment or the trunk, just to the sun causes heating of the container, organic compounds from the container is released into the water. For example, dibutyl phthalate – poison, causing toxic hepatitis. In addition, it can damage the endocrine and nervous systems to cause infertility and to provoke the development of cancer.
All of these disadvantages devoid of glass containers. And another important plus in glass of water is stored two times longer than plastic – two years against one. But there are also disadvantages: water in a glass bottle worth twice the price. Such containers are heavier than plastic and can break.
How much water should drink in a day for an adult man to be healthy?
There are certain norms of water consumption! All specific figures are tricks of nutritionists and marketing specialists. Each person has their own rules. Drinking regime depends on physical activity, the climate in which he lives, state of health, and other factors.
Depends on whether the water quality of the price?
the Cost of a liter water bottle an average of 10 rubles. Further increase marketing costs to 3%. Plus about the same add to the cost shops. This means that most of the money we pay for the premium and advertising product.
research Results
Elena Saradzev noted that the results of studies on the Russian Mark of quality can claim only a sample of the water “Novoterskaya”. Water “Shishkin Les” contains high amounts of sodium, but there is a lack of calcium and magnesium. “Aqua Minerale” suffers from the same disadvantages, plus the water is too soft and may contribute to more rapid formation of organic matter, quite simply, faster to bloom. The “sacred source,” the lack of sodium and calcium, but water is rich in magnesium, potassium, fluoride. “Lipetskaya Rosinka” contains a lot of nitrates and with regular use can cause potential harm. In the water insufficient amount of mineral substances mentioned by the experts strange smell.
1 and the potential right to receive Russian Mark of quality – water “Novoterskaya”.
2nd place – “Shishkin Les”
3rd place – “Aqua Minerale”
4th place – “Holy spring”.
5 place – “Lipetskaya Rosinka”.
these Are the results of the project “Test” on TV channel “Russia 1”. The experts “Roccasecca” conducted independent research and found out what products should be preferred. You can see the results of previous testing on the website Вести.Ru. Informed experts “Roccasecca” surprised by the results of the research “Russian cream” – cream.