For the return of economic growth, Russia needs reform. The Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin said during the Gaidar forum at the Ranepa.

According to him, while we are experiencing a difficult period in economic development, however, opportunities for recovery are. It needs reform.

“I think that Mikhail Mishustin will need is my assumption and idea — to return to the issue of quality management of national projects”, — he said during the press approach, which was broadcast channel “Russia 24”.

Kudrin recalled that Mishustin before its adoption by the state Duma said that “the buildup will not be” and that new measures sotspodderzhki the population will be implemented in the near future. According to the head of the audit chamber, this is a real problem when those resources, which are today in the state. However, there are still questions, what tools will be used.

“Serious is the problem at mishustina, I think we can handle it all together”, — said the head of the accounts chamber.