Main cast and creators of the Lord of the rings reunited. It happened online in YouTube show Reunited Apart (“the reunion of the separated”), which is actor Josh Gad.
Famous artists got together with the platform Zoom. The teleconference was attended by actors Elijah wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando bloom, Sean Bean, Ian McKellen, Karl urban, Liv Tyler, and the film’s Director Peter Jackson and screenwriter Philippa Boyens. Special guest of the show was the artist secretly of Waititi, who asked the participants questions about the filming of the trilogy.
At the moment, the release program has collected nearly two million views. In the show actors “Lord of the rings” told interesting stories from the shoot showed the same tattoo, read some scenes from films.
the Iconic trilogy have been published from 2001 to 2003. Movies are an adaptation of the novel by JRR Tolkien.