Prime Minister of Abkhazia Valery Bganba on Saturday called the opposition’s demands for the resignation of President Raul Khajimba illegal. As the Prime Minister said TASS, the head of state and the government perform their duties in the normal mode and the situation in the country — quiet.
“the Incumbent President shall hold office until the inauguration of the elected President. Therefore, even after the court decision, the President remains in place, keeps all its functions,” said Bganba.
In turn, the CEC of Abkhazia has not appointed date of elections of the President of the country, as yet not received from the Supreme court decorated, the decision to cancel the results of the September elections.
“By law, the meeting of the CEC for re-vote to be held within five days after receipt of the documents,” — said the CEC head Tamaz Gogia.
According to the Minister of foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Daur Cove that the opposition in recent days are not organized by foreign forces. Cove sure that all events relate to the internal political life of the Republic, and the words of Georgian officials about the unrest “in the occupied territories” are a fiction.
“Allow events that occur in the country, will of the Abkhazian people and Abkhazian leadership. The interference, from whatever happened is unacceptable,” — said the Minister.
Cobh explained the political instability in Abkhazia that the Republic is still in its infancy.