Russia starts clinical trials of a vaccine against coronavirus in the military-the volunteers.

As reported “Interfax” in the Ministry of defense of Russia, just 50 were chosen soldiers, among them five women. Volunteers were selected from various units of the Armed forces from all over Russia. They voluntarily wanted to participate in testing a new drug. All candidates passed the preliminary examination and were not ill during the month.

a Vaccine developed by the Russian military from the 48th Central research Institute of the defense Ministry. It is here that will pass the test. 3 Jun will come the first group of volunteers for in-depth medical examination and preparations for the experiment.

on the Eve it became known that the Ministry of health has registered a new drug against COVID-19. Its efficiency is estimated by experts as very high. Now comes the final stage of clinical trials, and in the second half of June, the drug will be available in the hospital.

the development of new vaccines are in Novosibirsk “Vector”, research Institute of vaccines and sera in Saint Petersburg and other scientific centers.