the Main part of the restrictions associated with the coronavirus in Moscow can withdraw by 1 July. Schedule breaks promise to present June 8. In the suburbs, the next step is to open shopping centers and restaurants. On the dynamics of illness and about when to expect the next easing measures by the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin and Moscow region Governor Andrei Vorobyov said in an interview with TV channel “Russia 1”.

Author: Marina Gromova

Sergei Sobyanin. 1 Jun opened in Moscow shopping centers and domestic services. As you can see the situation by the end of the week? Is it possible to make a decision about the next step of lifting some restrictions?

— the Period when we can talk about the development of the situation, is at least seven days. On Monday we introduced new rules, so the closest it is possible to make any conclusions. We see that the momentum has continued. Despite the opening of trade, consumer services, became less detectable pneumonia, newly diagnosed patients with kovida, less deaths. Indeed, next week it will be possible to adopt a more radical, more serious decisions ahead.

— Muscovites quite a responsible approach to the security requirements?

— everything, but I can see how most adhere to the requirements, because they are not third party, not someone, not uncle, not for the mayor and for the officials is to yourself to yourself you can protect yourself and protect their loved ones.

— this week held an international video conference of mayors, where they discussed the fight against coronavirus. What is the experience of your colleagues found it useful? What experiences have you shared?

— This is exactly the case when it is better to learn from the experience. Chinese colleagues provided the first recommendations: how to treat how to treat patients. Our doctors, establishing a clinical Committee, is produced byhas in its recommendations also world-class, new methods, new approaches of treatment. They saved thousands of people and, of course, created a unique system for creating davidnyc outpatient centers with CT, radiation technology, artificial intelligence, large-scale system diagnostic PCR, ELISA-based diagnostics.

— Thank you, Mr Sobyanin.

Author: Olga Turchaninova

— Andrey, Hello. This week in the suburbs have earned the MFC, beauty salons, spas, cancelled digital pass. Impact that the dynamics of the incidence?

— we Have the index of the reproduction of the virus spreading to 0.89-0.95, that is, only units affected. To say that he fell radically, we can’t. Soon want to open the shopping centers. We wanted something else to add to the number of breaks, but I can’t. Chief sanitary doctor and our experts say that while early. Only when we see the reduction factor, we will do the next step.

this week in the region has opened temples. On Sunday the Orthodox great feast of the Trinity. I’m sure many will want to visit the Church. What are the rules?

— the Rules are strict. There are restrictions on the sacrament, the sacrament, confession. There are strict recommendations of the health officer — they all should be respected and the distance, of course, must be.

5 June celebrate the Day of the ecologist. In the suburbs, pay special attention to nature. Share plans.

— this year We will close all 39 of the landfills. Only, since the Soviet time, in the Moscow region worked 39 municipal landfills, they are called polygons. There was just falling debris. Such dumps more in the suburbs will not. We will build and run in this year about ten KPO is a powerful complexes that no longer smell, which absolutely environmentally friendly and are where are no people.

Thank you for the interview.