Engineers have adapted unmanned surface vessel AutoNaut running on the energy of the waves to transport the underwater Seaglider drone, extremely saving energy. Drone a couple will be able to explore distant areas of the World ocean, leaving scientists on shore.

Underwater drones Seaglider is a recognised tool for studying the ocean. By 2008, when they became a commercial product of the company iRobots, the world worked already dozens of such devices. Since 2013, the production rights and improving the device are owned by Kongsberg Underwater Technology.

the Drone has a length of 1.8-2 meters (the exact value depends on configuration), a diameter of 30 centimeters and weighing less than 80 pounds. From friendly family of underwater drones it stands out due to the unusual principle of motion. The probe has no propeller, but there is a wing span of 1-1. 5 meters. And yet he has a change system of buoyancy, a kind of swimming bladder.

Slightly reducing their own buoyancy, the device is immersed in an inclined path. As it moves obliquely, and not vertically, while it moves forward. Reaching the projected depth (up to one kilometer), Seaglider enters the surface. He again moves along the inclined line: forward and up simultaneously. As a result, the apparatus moves to the target zigzags, often coming to the surface and sinking again.

So intricate path would be inconvenient for the vehicle, but for a research probe, it can become an advantage. Thanks to her, the devices will record the water condition (temperature, composition and so on) at different depths throughout the route. In addition, the moments of surfacing can be used for radiocommunications.

of Course, the exotic way of transportation makes the device a messenger. Its typical velocity is 0.25 meters per second, meaning it is four times slower than a pedestrian. But power this system consumes very little. Thanks this Seaglider has a huge reserve. He is able to move up to 10 months without recharging the batteries, overcoming during this time thousands of miles away.

Scientists, of course, interested in the fact that the reserve was spent scanning the water at the point of destination, and not on the long way to her. So the best option is to go to the desired area on surface ship and since his release in the water “the diver”. Moreover, at all desire it is difficult to launch a Seaglider from the shore.

meanwhile, to organize an expedition of the research vessel at the desired point in the ocean is a long, expensive and not always safe. Some areas are dangerous for shipping due to natural causes and others have hosted pirates or brewing political crises.

the Solution suggests itself: surface craft carrying the apparatus to the point of immersion should both be unmanned. The death of such a mission is only the loss of two machines without human victims. Violent factor can also be excluded: it would take a very metaphysically savvy pirates to capture the non-existent crew, but to show the real requirements.

a pair of underwater and surface drones will reach the far corners of the ocean 1the Duo will be released in the drone test flight in January 2020.

Here was useful and the project AutoNaut. These sea drones are used for movement energy of sea waves, and to power appliances – solar panels. On customer request they can be equipped with electric motor and fuel cells. The size of the vessel depending on the configuration ranges from two to five meters. It withstands the strong waves of the sea and has an Autonomous management system with satellite navigation.

Engineers AutoNaut Ltd. together with specialists from the University of East Anglia has built a five-meter ship, named Caravela (“Caravel”). This model AutoNaut adapted to carry onboard Seaglider. However, she and itself will be equipped with a rich set of meteorological instruments.

Testing the pair will begin later this month. “Karavella” will sail away from the shore and will go to the area of the Atlantic East of Barbados. Sensors for surface and underwater drone will record the parameters of air and water. The scientific goal of the project is to study the interaction of the lower atmospheric layer with the upper layer of ocean waters.

“the sensors as AutoNaut, and the Seaglider means that we will receive at the same time meteorological and Oceanographic measurements that will give us a more detailed picture of conditions at the studied point and will help you better understand the factors influencing the climate,” said Karen Heywood (Karen Heywood) from the University of East Anglia.

Note that the launch of the underwater drone unmanned surface of the vessel is new and hardly tested practice. Earlier, The “News.Science” ( wrote about a couple of underwater and surface drone, which the creators call the world’s first.

And we talked about how an unmanned sailboat for the first time crossed the Atlantic.

Text: To.Science