Samartsev has launched a flash mob Vkontakte, to keep the nurse from Tula, became famous throughout Russia for a photo in a protective suit over your swimsuit.

a Young girl complained that jumpsuit was terrible hot, it was supported by colleagues and was troubled by the behavior of the patient, made that photo. Moreover, under the protection you need to put on disposable pajamas, so many simply do not.

the Majority of Russians also did not see any problems. And samarians were plenty of photos in the yard, on the beach and on the street. Of course, not everyone was exactly medical suits, but in order to experience the discomfort, the available tools were enough.

the Participants of the flash mob is encouraged to join their promotions and post photos with the hashtag #of perekupschikov.

Earlier it was reported that the girl stood up the Governor of Tula region Alexey Dyumin and the chief doctor of the hospital. According to the physician, the nurse is a good employee and a professional, she provides medical care at a high level.