Found the solution. A girl with a disability could seek a medical examination after treatment in a “Straight line” with the President. Sverdlovchanka was in a wheelchair in the accident and wants to get back to his feet.
After a long trip Maria shows no fatigue, but admits: worried about you. Today she goes to the hospital in Yekaterinburg, where she will begin a new course of rehabilitation. “I have some rehabilitation took place, about know what awaits me. Of course, ready and able. Confidence has increased that I’m not alone with this, I’ll cope, will help me,” shared the patient Maria Kozlova.
In a wheelchair she was in 2018 in an accident: she fell out of a window 4 floors, “Vesti Ural”. Maria underwent several operations, but to stand up and failed. The chance came after the “straight line” with the President, where on the Machine the problem told her friend. Live call did not hit, but the situation has taken control of public men.
“Patients with serious injuries are our specialty, the neurosurgery Department. Now we are examining, to determine the further tactics. Will fly her at the highest level”, – said the head of the hospital for war veterans Oleg Zabrodin. Mary helped not only with the survey. Activists bought a new stroller, and also organized a consultation with the Moscow specialists via telemedicine.
“We connect Russian specialists in the field of health, who will watch all her paperwork, medical testimony and we will continue to determine the course of rehabilitation. In the Sverdlovsk region, on 7 February, she will undergo another course. We hope our lights will help medical and Masha really get back on my feet,” – said the head of the regional Executive Committee of the popular front in the Sverdlovsk region Jeanne Ryabtsev.
But first, doctors need fromto teach the history of the disease and possible contraindications to treatment is most effective.
Text: STRC “Ural”