In Vladivostok continues the match for the title of world champion in chess among women. On the eve of the Russian contender Aleksandra goryachkina won the current holders of the title of the Chinese Ju Wenjun and took the lead with a total score 4,5:3,5. The rivals still have to play four games.

“At the thirty-seventh course on “E6″, then it became clear that the party won — Goryachkina quoted by RIA Novosti. – Pawn was too much. And when you see to fortieth during this endgame, all right.”

As previously reported Вести.Ru the match for the womens world crown held in Shanghai (first 6 teams) and Vladivostok and consists of 12 encounters in classical chess. In the case of a tie, the opponent will have to play the so-called tie-break in rapid chess and blitz. According to its results will determine the champion.