During a snowfall in Vladivostok, two brothers, 1988 and 1993 year of birth, was snowboarding on the Russian bridge, and also on the street Aleutian. Police established the identity and whereabouts of the heroes of the movie. The traffic police caught the offenders of traffic rules to administrative responsibility.
the police had checked the videos posted in social media, which depicts how young people ride on the roadway snowboarding clung to the car.
As reported by “News: Primorye” with reference to press-service OGIBDD UMVD across Vladivostok, during a snowfall two brothers, 1988 and 1993 year of birth, was snowboarding on the Russian bridge, and also on the street Aleutian. Police established the identity and whereabouts of the heroes of the movie.
the traffic police caught the offenders of traffic rules to administrative responsibility. Elder brother, the driver of the car was brought to administrative responsibility under part 2 of article 12.23 of the code of administrative responsibility of the Russian Federation “Violation of rules of transportation of people”. The younger brother, who skated on a snowboard on the road, brought to administrative responsibility according to part 1 of article 12.30 of the administrative code “Violation of traffic Rules by a pedestrian.”
Police conducted a preventive conversation offenders. The police reminds, that this kind of entertainment is dangerous and often end in traffic accidents.
Text: GTRK “Vladivostok”