the Court of Montgomery County (USA, Maryland) was sentenced to 100 years in prison for accessory to murder of two students — 18-year-old Russian Artem Sibarova and his 17-year-old classmate Shadi ADI Najjar.
the Crime was committed in the summer of 2017 in the Northern suburbs of Washington. Located in a parked car Najjar and Ziberov were shot dead the day before the school prom. Najjar received four bullets, Ziberov ten, both died on the spot, reminds RIA Novosti.
Just on suspicion of involvement in the murder was arrested four people. Previously three of them were sentenced to life in prison without parole.
As was established during the investigation, the attackers wanted revenge Shadi ADI to Najjar because he, in their opinion, robbed the girl of one of the suspects. The family of the deceased young man rejects these suspicions. According to the findings of the investigation, Artyom Ziberov became the victim of the attack.