the Ukrainian TV channels “Direct” and “Fifth” in the last minutes of 2019 as new year’s address broadcast live from a new year’s greeting from the former President of the country Petro Poroshenko. Official greetings to the nation from President Vladimir Zelensky these TV channels are broadcasted in early 2020 after the battle of chimes.
the Incident is associated with the fact that “Fifth” TV channel belongs to Poroshenko, and the “Direct” experts directly connect with their interests.
by the Way, in this way on the eve of the last of 2019 received by the TV channel “1+1”, owned by Igor Kolomoisky. Then was started the first broadcast appeal of the actor and comedian Vladimir Zelensky, who at the end announced his intention to run for President. And only in the first minute of 2019 viewers saw the state of the nation address of the then current President Petro Poroshenko.