Jogging and a prayer service will be held in Penza on Wednesday, January 1. So the townspeople will celebrate the feast of St. Ilya Muromets. The action “the Murom path” will also join more than 60 cities of Russia, CIS and Western Europe. It is reported by the GTRK “Penza”.

“Murom path” was conceived as national sports festival, an integral part is the celebration on 1 January day of the monk Ilya Muromets. The protesters will continue their fellowship at a tea party,” — said the organizers of the movement “forty times Forty”.

In Penza the gathering of participants will take place on 1 January, at 12.00, in the Church of Saints Peter and Fevronia. At 13.00 the total collection at “Diesel-Arena”, where will take place new year’s race on the Olympic alley. As noted by the organizers, the unified hashtags for “Murom tracks-2020” this year will be: #Murambadoro, #МуромскаяДорожка2020, #Travyanogo, #MD2020.

Text: GTRK “Penza”