In the London gallery Tate modern art the man ruined the painting by Pablo Picasso. 20-year-old visitor tore the painting entitled “Bust of woman”.
according to BBC News, the incident occurred on December 28. How much of the picture was spoiled, the gallery has not announced the extent of the damage to be assessed by experts.
a Resident of North London Shaquille Massey stated that the court will deny charges of vandalism. A court hearing is scheduled for January 30. Until then Massey will remain in custody – bail was not released.
the Painting, which the Spanish master painted his beloved, the painter and photographer Dora Maar, was written in 1944. Cost of linen is estimated at 20 million pounds (more than $ 26 million).
In 2018 at the hands of vandal Igor podporin damaged the painting by Ilya Repin “Ivan the terrible and his son Ivan” in the Tretyakov gallery. The man broke the glass and was hit several times on the canvas. The canvas was torn in three places, suffered the author’s art frame. Experts have estimated the damage at 500 thousand rubles. The court sentenced the vandal to two and a half years of imprisonment.