“We do not necessarily have the vocation to stay in social housing all our lives,” assured the Minister Delegate for Housing, Guillaume Kasbarian, during an interview on Europe 1 and CNews on May 3. The representative of the executive spoke as part of the presentation of a bill aimed at reforming social housing “We need to have what we call a more fluid residential pathway. That is to say, when we enter social housing, it is because we need it. And then because sometimes we work, we can inherit, we can have an improvement in our situation,” the minister also declared.
What happens when you end your professional career? Becoming retired does not in any way guarantee a better standard of living; in fact, the opposite tends to prevail. It is possible that your income places you below the thresholds allowing you to obtain a place in low-income housing. And, if you already live in such accommodation, can you be forced to leave?
As indicated in this article from UFC-QueChoisir, as well as this page from the official service-public.fr website, the social landlord is authorized to terminate the contract which binds him to his tenant if:
It is also possible for two tenant households to exchange accommodation, but only after having requested it, if they reside in the same real estate group and if one of the families has at least 3 children (the large family will occupy then a larger surface area housing).
A priori therefore, becoming retired does not imply having to give up your home. However, if, once they become adults, your children leave the family nest, you may find yourself in “under-occupied” housing.
If you are over 65, there are several possible cases. This allows you in principle after certain periods to keep your social housing, even if you exceed the established income thresholds, this is the “right to remain in the premises”. However, in specific situations, particularly in areas with the highest housing shortages, your landlord may ask you to vacate under-occupied accommodation, but is then required to submit at least three alternative accommodation proposals to you. .
“Social housing must go as a priority to those who have been waiting for years sometimes to be able to benefit from social housing and who are not getting by today,” continued the minister on Europe 1 and Cnews. The government places emphasis on “mobility” within the social housing stock and wants more rotations in housing. He wants to charge an “extra rent” to households exceeding the ceilings beyond which they are no longer supposed to benefit from social housing, a measure, in fact, already in place in certain areas.