Retirees may find themselves faced with reimbursement requests from France Travail due to overpayments linked to the return to work assistance allowance: the ARE.

According to INSEE, “the return to work assistance allowance guarantees replacement income for employees involuntarily deprived of work, registered as job seekers, having worked at least six months over the last 24 months “.

Reimbursement requests arise due to discrepancies between data from France Travail and those from the Retirement and Occupational Health Insurance Funds (Carsat), Thanks for the Info explains.

Indeed, in 2022, France Travail began to integrate Carsat data to determine when the ARE must stop being paid in favor of a full-rate retirement pension.

However, discrepancies in full departure dates have resulted in overpayments of up to €100,000 or more.

These errors are mainly due to the fact that Pôle emploi agencies rely on career records provided by applicants without requiring official documents from Carsat to confirm the retirement date.

You do not need to take any action if you think you are affected. Indeed, France Travail contacts all the people concerned to clearly inform them of their situation and the steps to follow.

In France, debt cancellations can be obtained through a personal recovery procedure in the event of over-indebtedness.

To request debt forgiveness, an individual must submit an overindebtedness file to the Banque de France, which will be examined by the overindebtedness commission. This commission assesses the financial situation of the applicant and can decide to cancel all or part of their debts, if the situation justifies it.

The personal recovery procedure thus makes it possible to obtain the erasure of debts in situations where repayment becomes impossible for the indebted person. It is important to note that this approach is regulated by law and requires an in-depth study of the financial situation of the person concerned.

It is also possible to exit the Banque de France file at the end of the over-indebtedness plan by paying all amounts due before the end of the plan. This exit from the file is an important step in regaining a healthy financial situation after having benefited from a partial or total cancellation of your debts.