the Former head of the auto concern Renault-Nissan Carlos Ghosn has escaped from house arrest and left Japan, reports channel “Russia 24” referring to news Agency Kyodo, which, in turn, refers to sources in law enforcement bodies. Himself Carlos Ghosn has confirmed this information, saying that the justice he’s not hiding, just running away from injustice and political persecution.
In Tokyo, Carlos Ghosn was awaiting trial on charges of tax crimes and financial fraud. Being the head of the Corporation, he, according to investigators, pay themselves as a bonus $ 80 million and did not declare them.
Under house arrest he was sent in April, freeing from custody on bail of $ 4.5 million. His apartment was under constant surveillance, can leave its Gon forbidden. The use of the phone and the computer was limited.
Reporters ask: how, under such strict conditions, the rut managed to escape? At the present time he arrived in Lebanon, arriving in its capital, Beirut on a private plane from Turkey.
Japan may request the Lebanese authorities to help in the trial against Gon.