Today graduates pass the mass exam on the Russian language. In the Khabarovsk territory in party got more than 6 thousand students. Not to open additional stations, it was decided to hold the exam in two days on 6 and 7 July.
This exam neither teachers nor graduates — who, incidentally, already has certificates on hand and had no idea. Waiting in the yard is more like a flash mob, but inside the school the decor is reminiscent of a medical center.
On the recommendation of the service this year in points passing the unified exam reduced the number of observers, but the medical staff was at times more. Multiple filters, medical the main. Here measure the temperature treated and hand inspected. Person with the slightest signs of SARS in the audience will not allow.
Classes were actually prepared along with a medical doctors. General cleaning with disinfectants, disinfection of air, masks, soap and disposable wipes in stock. The audience became larger than average, here each no more than 10 people and they sit in a zigzag pattern.
“this year, it took additionally employ 150 audiences in Khabarovsk, so we can pass in accordance with the requirement of safety measures. And additionally, we had to recruit organizers who are working on the exam,” says Tatiana Matveenkov, head of the Department of education of administration of Khabarovsk.
the Students, perhaps, already do not pay attention to the unusual epidemiological situation. Too long was waiting. “Waiting for the exam was the most difficult. I know these doubts are whipped, and I think I will pass or not. But now I’m ready” — determined Vladimir Sokur, senior.
President Vladimir Putin from-for a difficult situation with the coronavirus suggested to conduct the exam only for those who are going to enroll in universities. Others received certificates for the year. Russian language is needed in virtually all higher educational institutions of the country but because he is the most popular. In Khabarovsk Krai the control and measuring materials in hand will take more than 6 thousand people. Too much for this time of the pandemic.
“this year Russian, as the mass divided into 2 days. This is because, to ensure compliance with social distance. Earlier in the audience were 15, now 5-8-12, the area depends,” explains Catherine Kotelnikova, head of Department of the Ministry of education and science of the Khabarovsk territory.
the rest of the exam in Russian as usual. 27 jobs, divided into 2 units. In fact, 26 tests and an essay. It is the most time consuming, its proper implementation can bring 24 points. Results for those taking the exam today, will be announced no later than July 20. The second group of graduates who will pass the test tomorrow, learn score — July 23. Appeal, if necessary, with an eye on kovid, will be held remotely.