Creative flavor came cafe of Petersburg side. Started checking. If the violation is established, the organization faces a fine from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. So what kind of sausage with eggs and why “preparing the tongue”?
“in the Morning you should look to us for Breakfast.” Although the emphasis in the second word can be put differently, and as time to this option, apparently, suggests an accompanying image. Long roasted sausage plus two eggs fried on both sides.
Perhaps, in an additional decoding of the culinary symbolism is not needed. All together — turned out to be specific is one of cafe of Petersburg. And the right would have posted it on the Internet, so there is in fact: put a banner in the middle of the streets of the Northern Capital.
And I must say, this provocatively creative composition is not limited. Alternative poster — two fairly large scoops of ice cream with a topping of characteristic shape. Plus the caption: “Prepare the reeds”. Again, the message is read immediately. Well, that reaction, reported local media.
Passers-by immediately noticed such an original marketing the most attention. And if someone just outraged, others just decided to complain about the obscene promotion to the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly service.
Twenty-two centimeters, which, in the language of the St. Petersburg ruthless advertisers, did not satisfy the cultural capital. Under public pressure, their sausages Munich had to be removed.
Now showcases offer kebab and burgers. But not excite, do not care about anything “is” not implying anything. The only thing that brought the administrative case. The Antimonopoly office considered that to be modest.
“At Saint-Petersburg UFAS of Russia appealed to the residents of our city, the perturbed is hosted in cafe “the Nutcracker”. The advertisement is “Dynasty” in relation to nit criminal case on signs of violation of the law “On advertising”. If the violation is established, the organization faces a fine from 100 to 500 thousand rubles”, — said Marina Derenovskaya, head of the press service of the St. Petersburg UFAS.
to prove napetosti advertising, the necessary expertise — linguistic and graphic arts. Sexual innuendo is not prohibited by law. But that doesn’t contradict the legal point of view, may stumble on the principles of ethics and morality.
This is purely, as they say in youth slang, a joke, which in my subjective legal opinion, does not violate the advertising law. Must be accompanied by an expert opinion, and the FAS, again, have to justify their decision why it violates the rules of ethics or morality,” — says Ivan Seferovic, a lawyer.
Sex for sale, will tell any marketer. But that implication — a complex dish. For a promotional product — it’s not even spicy pepper, and the puffer fish. One mistake and will be inedible. Vulgar, obscene, obscene.
Almost a year was the same proceedings with the Russian chain of sushi bars. Title — on the brink, and in Japanese — only day of the week Saturday. Legitimacy is admitted, but some still triggered.
“we had a lot of trials and with the Prosecutor’s office and Antimonopoly service, and trademark. But when linguistic expertise says that all is well, almost all questions fall away. If it has an idea, and faces no no, but if you just want pussy-Boobs show, then the face of the vulgarity of it is very high,” — says Konstantin Zimin, founder delivery of sushi and rolls “Abideby”.
Merciless naming everywhere. To attract more attention, and even severust advertising cafes and restaurants are choosing provocation. Perhaps affected by the downtime. Institutions are trying by all means to regain visitors.
“After the pandemic has not started to work about 10 percent, and in the course of further development of the economic consequences up to a quarter of companies can your job terminate. Well, this wouldn’t be to anyone. Because it’s part of our comfortable urban environment. Let’s, of course, be corrected if they were wrong, but continue to flatten after what they experienced during the quarantine, I would not recommend to anyone,” warns Nikolai Grigoriev, marketing assistant.
the Decision of the Antimonopoly service. Will hear the case on July 14. Interestingly, this serves cafe?