Won the 10-kilometer depth of the Russian Autonomous underwater vehicle “Vityaz” preparing for new dives in the world ocean. It is the Kuril-Kamchatka trench, said Deputy Director of the advanced research Foundation (DRF) Igor Denisov. According to him, this is a very interesting place. The depth is there, as in the Mariana trench, in the area of 10 thousand meters.
“And there no one ever was, — quotes Igor Denisov TASS. — In the area of the Mariana trench all plunge in April-June, then is unfavorable for immersion weather — typhoons begin. Depending on the chosen area, we will understand where there will be located”.
we Also discuss the joint expedition of two devices “Vityaz”. This will allow you to check a cooperative operation of two spacecraft performing at a depth of one task.
Igor Denisov stressed that now specialists choose the area for the next dive apparatus. And all customers Russian officials say that restrictions on the depth of immersion is not.
Deep-sea drone “Vityaz”, as reported in the defense Ministry, were delivered to the Pacific fleet for testing in April 2020. Aboard the salvage tug “Photios Krylov” in the sea of Japan made several deep water dives to confirm the declared technical characteristics. Later, the “knight” became the world’s first fully Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle, has attained the deepest point of the oceans.
“the knight” — part of the complex ultra-deepwater dive. The work on the apparatus is conducted from September 2017. In its composition of Autonomous unmanned vehicles, deep-sea bottom station and instrument control. The software is built entirely from components produced in Russia. Information exchange ship vehicle with the underwater vehicle and a ground station in real timeand passes through a hydroacoustic channel.
From the previously Mariana trench devices Kaiko and Nereus “Vityaz” operates fully Autonomous. Control system apparatus with the elements of artificial intelligence allows the “hero” itself to avoid obstacles, finding the way out of the limited space, and solving intellectual challenges. It is capable of working at extreme depths of the oceans, to conduct a sonar survey of the bottom topography, PA also surveillance and search and bathymetric survey of the area, to carry out the sampling and measurement of hydrophysical parameters of the marine environment.