the President of Russia Vladimir Putin during communication with doctors coronavirus expressed hope that doesn’t become their patient.
As the channel “Russia 24”, the President said, referring to the chief physician of the city clinical hospital No. 52 of the Moscow health Department Mariana Lysenko, during the meeting on the sanitary-epidemiological situation in Russia.
“I thank God, your patient are not, I hope, and not have”, — said the President, Recalling that some high-ranking officials, who fell ill, faced with the staff of city clinical hospital № 52, and felt their support.
In turn, Lysenko said that this week pure prescribed from the hospital was 13% higher than the number of hospital admission, reduced the number of applicants to the intensive care unit.
the Physician noted as positive is the decrease in the number of patients on a ventilator.
In turn, Putin recalled that, exit restrictions, it is necessary not to forget about the second wave of diseases coronavirus, which according to the calculations of domestic and foreign experts, are possible in October and November 2020, and be ready for it.
He asked the Vice-Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova, what can be caused by high death rates from coronavirus in a mountainous area of some European countries.
for Example, the number of deaths per 100 thousand of the population of San Marino is on the first place, then Belgium, the third – Andorra.
“What is there in the mountains is serious? Or is there just harder to assist the medical?”, — asked the leader of the country.
speaker suggested that this is connected with the problems of medical care.
the President also waiting in the near future from the government recommendations as the pandemic and to restore the level of economic development.