the amusement Park “dream Island” has launched a social campaign in support of doctors and medical workers of Moscow and Moscow region. All the medical workers who helped fight the coronavirus COVID-19, give free tickets to visit. According to experts, the budget for the rally will be about a billion rubles.
In the courtyard of the Smurfs quietly, in the land of the dinosaurs — dark. “Island of dreams” does not work because of the pandemic for two months. Here is looking forward to visitors, especially those who now rescues people from the coronavirus.
“We made the decision that we will give physicians the promotional codes that they can come for free to the Park with their children. Each doctor can receive three promo code, spouses or family, they will decide for themselves”, — says General Director of theme Park “Island of dreams” Boris Pischik.
In such circumstances, ride the rides and see the show the doctors and their loved ones will be in any day as soon as the Park will work again. Promotional codes will be distributed through hospitals. Among the representatives of the entertainment industry “dream Island” the first in Russia has made such share.
“at least 200 thousand of promotional code, we plan to allocate to the event, the final figure will be clear after consultation with the Ministry of health of Moscow and Moscow region. Given the cost of tickets is about one billion roubles”, — evaluates a charity event, the CEO of the Park “dream Island” Boris Pischik.
Physicians who every day go in the red zone, now try to maintain throughout Russia. In Moscow in the hospital, MONICA volunteers to deliver 250 sets of protective glasses, respirators, Shoe covers and costumes.
“Us is really important to those doctors who are on the front line, and not only doctors, we know that in the red zone going in and the nurses and Junior medical staff — they should be protected,” podcherkivaett expert onf Tatiana Butskaya.
In the infectious hospital of Stavropol, for example, doctors and nurses use up to 150 protective suits every day. The volunteers were clinic stock for a few days.
“They are universal, they, along with Shoe covers, close well, secure, reliable, lightweight and does not absorb moisture,” — says the acting head physician of the Stavropol regional clinical hospital for infectious diseases Natalia Yatsenko.
More than five hundred patients with coronavirus COVID-19 is now under observation in the Tver regional clinical hospital. Here the volunteers also brought boxes with protective gear.
“Costumes is not enough. We now have three buildings infectious. And, of course, some doctors work only 200 people, nurses even more. And of course, it is an indispensable help,” — says the chief doctor of the Tver OKB Sergey Kozlov.
In the Astrakhan region volunteers together with local entrepreneurs decided to support rural doctors. Those involved in the detection of coronavirus, handed over 100 bags of groceries.
“Our physicians, as they now have a big responsibility, they need to be in good spirits and are confident that they have support, have a nice rear,” emphasizes co-chair of the regional headquarters of the popular front in the Astrakhan region Pavel Androsov.
Requests for medical aid volunteers onf accept through the hotline and through a dedicated mobile application. For example, doctors and nurses during a pandemic, volunteers, together with partners have provided 20 thousand protective suits, 50 thousand pairs of gloves. 150 hospital employees receive free meals. In 12 regions volunteers helped to refurbish the clinic.