Created an online map of the spread of the novel coronavirus

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University has developed an online map of the spread of coronavirus. It allows users to follow the situation in near real time.

Recall that the new coronavirus identified by who as 2019-nCoV, caused an outbreak of pneumonia in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and then began to spread to other cities and countries.

as of 30 January, the number infected is nearly eight thousand people, and the number of victims has exceeded 170 people. Virus detected in 16 countries.

the New dashboard created by scientists shows data obtained from various official sources. It is primarily the world health organization, the Centers for control and prevention of diseases of the United States, Europe and China, the national Commission on health of the PRC.

the Data is displayed on the world map. Where confirmed cases of virus infection, marked in red circle. The greater the diameter, the bigger the flash. The regions which registered deaths are marked with “x”.

the User can click on any circle below to get more information.

created an online map of the spread of the novel coronavirus 1information about the dissemination of coronavirus are updated upon receipt of fresh reports.Illustration Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.

the Right of the map displays the number of confirmed cases of infection, of death and recovery of people in different countries and regions. On the left is a small graph showing the dynamics of the spread of the virus.

the Data is updated on a rolling recent reports (approximately every hour).

the Developers believe that in this situation it is very important to provide the public with a clear picture of what is happening. Because many of the regions gripped by panic, which occurs in particular because of false information from unverified sources.

By the way, China started delays and arrests of people accused of spreading fake data on coronavirus online and disturbing public order.

Anyone can see the latest data on the spread of 2019-nCoV here.

by the Way, before “Conduct.Science” reported that the new coronavirus is transmitted to humans from snakes.

we also Add that today Mikhail Mishustin signed the order about closing of the Russian border in the far East as one of the protective measures. Meanwhile, the Ministry of health published a list of drugs for the treatment of coronavirus.

Text: To.Science