the TV Channel “Russian detective” learned professional techniques detectives and, together with the most famous Russian authors of suspense novels and private detectives has compiled a list of six lychakov that are useful in ordinary life, writes FilmPro.

1. How to find out that a person is lying

Detectives suggest to pay attention to non-verbal body language. When a man lies, he inadvertently adopts a closed pose: crosses his arms, touches hands to face, trying not to look in his eyes.

the Head of the detective Agency by Alexander Garusova also advises to ask the person to tell the story in reverse. “When a man lies, he from the beginning to the end tells the story smoothly, very true in fine detail. But if a person is asked to tell the story from the end to the beginning, you will be confused, confusedly, the person will stammer, small details will be lost,” she says.

6 secret techniques of the detectives that are useful in real life 1

2. How to know that you are being followed

If you feel that you are somebody, use the good old trick with window. Pretend that you are looking for something in the bag, check your phone, mirror or window. Remember who passes you. If you see the same person several times, probably you do the “tail”.

Also the author of detective Tatiana Polyakova recommend changing your route to action were unpredictable. “If you are in a subway then go in one direction, and then abruptly in another. And see if they’re following you by the same people,” she says.

Alexander Garusova advises to use the same method and when moving on the machine: “If you are coming by car, you need to slow down and see ahead of you the car that you have already seen. Or, as variant, to call in the lane does not meet your standard route”.

3. Train your memory

to Improve your memory everyone can, you apply some of the techniques. One of the most effective methods – the use of images and associations. Remember, what is in the morning from home left your husband, and during the day try to remember what the image was part. Try to remember phone numbers of friends. You can also use the “Method of Loki” (from the Latin locus — location). Its essence is that it is easier to remember the location than any fact. “I imagine your memory as boxes: Cabinet, divided into multi-colored shelves. And there one gets all the information. After some time, you shelves with this information take. It is very effectively,” said Garusova.

4. Listen to other people

One of the major detective skills – ability to listen and hear. The writer Tatyana Ustinova says: “do Not be afraid to ask questions, and most importantly, listen carefully to the answers, because, as a rule, we do not ask questions in order to listen to the answer and to ask a question. And it is wrong. You need to be able to listen to what the interviewee says in response. As he explains this or that act”.

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5. Check any information

Information can be considered truthful if they are confirmed by three independent sources. This old rule intelligence can be applied now. Before buying, transaction, signing the contract or employment collect data. Social networks and online services will allow you to check car, apartment or the person actually leaving the house.

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6. Be attentive to detail

Detectives are constantly developing and the owlrentwood such important quality as observation. Her training begins with trivial things that have become so familiar that we hardly see. “I even have a test. I often ask friends to list the number of houses on your side of the street and how many in the house floors. And here people are living 15-20 years in one place, and this question baffled, people are lost. We would like to see, but we do not see” — said the writer Tatyana Polyakova.