ocean Temperature in 2019 has broken all records. The excess heat absorbed by ocean waters due to global warming, is the energy of a billion atomic bombs, scientists warn. It is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

the Work of 14 researchers from 11 academic institutions around the world published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.

Recall that the oceans of the Earth is a giant heat reservoir. More than 90% of solar energy absorbed by earth’s surface, heating the sea water.

as a result of global climate change the ocean is warming. Although the temperature of the water depths is growing more slowly than the temperature of the atmosphere, the effects of these changes can be really fearsome.

And the changes happen before our eyes. According to a new study, the top two kilometers of ocean waters in 2019 has been accumulated on 228 9 zettajoule (1021 joules) more heat than the average for 1981-2010 years. It is the energy of 3.6 billion atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.

the authors Also analyzed a second set of temperature measurements of the ocean, carried out independently from the first. The result is almost the same meaning: 217 4 petajoules excess heat.

As it turned out, in 2019, the ocean was the warmest in the history of systematic observations began in the 1950-ies. And it is not a separate spike up, and the trend.

the Authors analyzed multi-year data sets. It turned out that ocean warming recorded since the beginning of observations. Moreover, it is accelerating. So, in 1987-2019 years of sea water has absorbed 5.5 times more heat than in the years 1955-1986. The last ten years were the warmest terms of ocean temperature over the entire observation period. From this decade stand out of the last five years, and 2019 sets record.

“Is the measured ocean warming is irrefutable and is further proof of global warming. There are no reasonable alternatives onMyasnaya is warming except anthropogenic emissions of heat trapping gases,” said Chen Lijing (Lijing Cheng) from the Institute of atmospheric physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

3.6 billion hiroshima the world ocean in 2019 was the warmest for all history of observations 1Abnormally warm ocean threatens to spawn a whole bunch of problems.Photo By Jiang Zhu.

ocean Temperature in 2019 was approximately 0.075 Celsius above the average for 1981-2010 years. It would seem that this is an insignificant difference. But this small number arises because of averaging over the entire area of the oceans.

In reality, in the seas even more often there are “hot spots” where the water is much warmer than it is necessary on climatic norm. And it turns out really disastrous consequences.

So, in 2013, in the Northern part of the Pacific ocean was recorded the area of the unusually warm water, which received the laconic name “the BLOB” (Blob). She persisted until 2015.

“we Know that “Drop” has led to a large number of deaths of flora and fauna species, from phytoplankton to zooplankton, from fish, including cod 100 million individuals – up to [major] marine animals such as whales, says co-author Kevin Trenberth (Kevin Trenberth) from the National center for atmospheric research in the United States. – Such manifestations of global warming have serious consequences”.

in fact, the increase in water temperature reduces the solubility of oxygen breathed by marine life.

in addition, said Trenberth, abnormally warm areas of the ocean cause hurricanes, claiming human lives and causing enormous material damage.

Chen also believes that climate change has led to catastrophic forest fires 2019 in Australia, Amazonia, and California.

Now the authors plan to study how temperature anomalies affect the vertical water circulation, distributing nutrients in the deep ocean.

By the way, earlier “News.Science” (nauka.vesti.ru) wrote that in 2019 was recorded carbon dioxide levels three million years. We also talked about the fact that the five-year period 2018-2022 years, has all the chances to beat temperature records. We talked about how the face of the Earth could change, it would seem that a slight increase in the average temperature of half a degree.

Text: To.Science