Tick ​​tock: the clock is ticking for the tax return. You have less than 10 days left if you declare on a paper form: the deadline for sending the paper form is Tuesday, May 21, before midnight.

The risk if you don’t complete it on time? An increase of 10% in income tax and more if you do not correct your error quickly after the due date, recalls an article on the Econostrum site.

But rest assured, the online declaration gives you reprieve. Households eligible for automatic declaration can: “verify means declare”, on the dedicated government site: on impots.gouv.fr or on the impots.gouv app. If this is your case, simply check your pre-filled income in your account until the deadline.

Before the due date, taxpayers can access their tax return and make the necessary changes at any time until the deadline in your department. Be careful however, once this deadline has passed, it will no longer be possible to modify this form. And you risk sanctions.

Here are the deadlines according to your department of residence.

-The first department numbers, up to 19 as well as non-resident households, therefore the Marseillais in particular, have until Thursday May 23, 11:59 p.m.

-Then it will be the turn of departments 20 to 54 (as well as Corsica), which have until Thursday May 30, 11:59 p.m., to validate their declaration: Bordeaux, Nantes or Rennes, among others.

-Finally, departments 55 to 95 as well as the overseas departments will have a deadline until Thursday June 6, 11:59 p.m. which concerns Paris, Strasbourg and even Lyon.

However, latecomers who did not have the opportunity to correct errors are entitled to a second chance. From July 31, an online correction service will be available to them until December 4.

In the event that the taxpayer does not declare his income within the stipulated deadlines, he risks a penalty for delay. The latter varies depending on the length of the delay. Here are the risks of fines incurred in the event of delay.

If you declare your income before receiving the formal notice sent by the tax authorities, an increase of 10% on the amount of income taxes is applied. If it is carried out after formal notice, within 30 days, the increase will amount to 20%. This surcharge reaches 40% in the event that the taxpayer declares his income after 30 days from the date of the formal notice.

Likewise, late payment compensation is applied at the rate of 0.20% per month of delay. However, in the event of exceptional circumstances, for example the death of a spouse, loss of employment or illness, the taxpayer can make a request for a “graceful remission”, recalls the Econostrum website.

This solution allows you to avoid the sanctions, provided you can justify the reason for your delay. However, it is the tax authorities which will decide whether or not to apply the financial sanctions and therefore have the last word.